Originally Posted by Jarkko
Originally Posted by Debaser8
Do the runebreaker/runesmasher things stack? Can I put 4 on a 4 armed chassis for massive penetration?
No, same items do not add the bonus several times. You could addan item to misc slot though.
Originally Posted by BlanketThief
Two or more of the same item generally don't stack (An exception being bracers of protection)
Generally true. There are however various items that do stack, like the supply-items (if you ever wanted to stack those on a toon) or water-breathing items (like Sea Kings goblets). I *think* the no-stacking rule is "only" relevant to path-boosters, penetration boosters and resistance boosters.
The no-stacking rule also applies to supply-items (As in two different bonuses do stack, but two or more of the same do not, unless you're referring to a different no-stacking rule?) Can't say about the water-breathing items, as I've never tested them. Assuming we're meaning stack as in applying the same bonus multiple times to a single unit, given that your two examples there could be interpreted as otherwise.
As a side-note, items that cast spells through-out battle will stack in that aspect if you equip multiple instances of them (i.e. 4x Scutata Volturnus on your 4-armed chassis is 4 instances of shocking-grasp, but only 50% lightning resistance)
Should also be noted that separate items that apply quickness (Jade armour/boots of quickness/Champions Trident, along with a W9 bless and presumably the spell quickness) will not stack in that area, however items that increase resistances (Alot.) will stack as long as each instance is from a different source (Brimstone Boots + Ring of Fire = +200% fire resist)