
October 6th, 2011, 02:45 AM
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Affliction/horror marking/cursed, what can be modded?
Just to confirm, basically nothing at all about these statuses can be modded?
For horror marks, can you accelerate/decrease the rate of horror marking?
Im trying to think of a way to make nature magic less of a "must have" by giving all priests some minor healing ability based on priest levels(with priest focused nations having better chances). Right now afflictions = useless unit, and you are screwed if you have no access to nature magic. Something like 5% heal per priest level for all priest units. How do-able is this?

October 6th, 2011, 04:42 AM
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Re: Affliction/horror marking/cursed, what can be modded?
The only thing you can do is either mod them out of the game completely, or make them a lot less commonly used by upping the requirements/gem costs to cast the spells that cause the effects.
Giving all priest units a healing ability, however, would be very feasible. It just might take a while.
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October 6th, 2011, 05:05 AM
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Re: Affliction/horror marking/cursed, what can be modded?
Every unit is expendable in Dominions, even your pretender.
Don't worry to much about afflictions and just make new units.

October 6th, 2011, 05:09 AM
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Re: Affliction/horror marking/cursed, what can be modded?
How do i mod them out of the game entirely or give priests healing abilities?

October 6th, 2011, 05:32 AM
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Re: Affliction/horror marking/cursed, what can be modded?
To make a unit a healer give it this attribute:
#healer 100
To make a unit auto-heal its own afflictions use:
There is a pdf in the "doc" folder in your Dominions install folder, called modding.pdf
It's searchable. For instance, you could search it for "heal".

October 6th, 2011, 07:56 AM
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Re: Affliction/horror marking/cursed, what can be modded?
I guess you have not seen the curse 'ability' yet have you?
If you want to remove horrormarking you need to remove all the items and spells that horror mark. (There are a few items, mostly artifacts). And a few spells that either summon horrors, or give horror marks. (the last are all astral).
It is not possible to cleanly remove the horror mark abilities from some of these spells/items, you must remove them entirely. (horror marking items are hard to mod for example). Blood will be crippled. (As will certain abysia nations, as you remove the entire blood+astral and research bonus part of the nation).
Personally, I think you are crippling the game by doing this. Just because of personal issues with permanence and loss  .
Also, horror marking is one of the many ways you can fight SC's. It is an equalizer. Horror marking also matters little on normal units. Only commanders get random horror mark attacks.

October 6th, 2011, 09:10 AM
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Re: Affliction/horror marking/cursed, what can be modded?
My issue with horror marking is that all you need is a L2 astral to cast horror mark and you can assassinate a god(granted, over a period of time). Its just too easy IMHO, considering the permanence and guaranteed destruction.
It also encourages sucidal strategies, especially with artifacts that horror mark the wielder.
If i wanted to edit healers, i would have to edit every single priest?

October 6th, 2011, 09:38 AM
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Re: Affliction/horror marking/cursed, what can be modded?
if it is that easy and powerful you should play some multi player games with it. I'm sure you'll obliterate any oppositon  .
It's not that bad. And afflictions can be dealt with or ignored.

October 6th, 2011, 09:42 AM
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Re: Affliction/horror marking/cursed, what can be modded?
Originally Posted by Question
If i wanted to edit healers, i would have to edit every single priest?
If you want every unit with holy levels to have healing. Yes you have to.

October 6th, 2011, 09:50 AM
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Re: Affliction/horror marking/cursed, what can be modded?
Originally Posted by Question
My issue with horror marking is that all you need is a L2 astral to cast horror mark and you can assassinate a god(granted, over a period of time). Its just too easy IMHO, considering the permanence and guaranteed destruction.
If the god has astral levels, you can even magic duel him. Lot quicker on the kill. And iirc you only need S1.
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