
November 15th, 2011, 01:44 AM
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Re: Nations - MA, CBM 1.6, max lvl 6 magic, NI, Assimilation mod - Running
So buzzsaw and I have been talking and I'm obviously on my last legs. That will leave him facing a 2 vs 1 (he basically already is given how little I have left) and while he can drag things out he won't be able to defeat both Man and Ulm.
Olm and Louist, what do you think of the current game situation and how to proceed?
Edit: if you would like to proceed by finishing destroying Pan and Eriu and then fight it out for the win that is of course fine but I've noticed turns have started arriving later and I'm wondering if there's some fatigue setting in.

November 15th, 2011, 05:51 PM
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Re: Nations - MA, CBM 1.6, max lvl 6 magic, NI, Assimilation mod - Running
Originally Posted by Valerius
So buzzsaw and I have been talking and I'm obviously on my last legs. That will leave him facing a 2 vs 1 (he basically already is given how little I have left) and while he can drag things out he won't be able to defeat both Man and Ulm.
Olm and Louist, what do you think of the current game situation and how to proceed?
Edit: if you would like to proceed by finishing destroying Pan and Eriu and then fight it out for the win that is of course fine but I've noticed turns have started arriving later and I'm wondering if there's some fatigue setting in.
No fatigue with me, but very limited time.
I have rushed many a turn lately.
No real blunder yet, but I guess I could have advanced faster.
I for one am not inclined to battle it out with Ulm anyway. That would be a very lengthy war with unknown outcome. And it could become boring. So if you two do surrender, I am happy to share power with Louist and end the game.
If so I would like to ask some questions about the game before we close the threat.
And I will miss the opportunity to hunt down the Gorgon.

November 15th, 2011, 06:30 PM
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Re: Nations - MA, CBM 1.6, max lvl 6 magic, NI, Assimilation mod - Running
Originally Posted by Olm
I for one am not inclined to battle it out with Ulm anyway. That would be a very lengthy war with unknown outcome. And it could become boring. So if you two do surrender, I am happy to share power with Louist and end the game.
I thought the two of you might end up with a shared victory - I certainly wouldn't envy the time it would take for you to fight it out. I'm willing to concede but can't speak for buzzsaw.
Originally Posted by Olm
If so I would like to ask some questions about the game before we close the threat.
Of course; have to have post game analysis.
Originally Posted by Olm
And I will miss the opportunity to hunt down the Gorgon.
I didn't actually intend for her to make another appearance. Once the walls of my last fort were breached my plan was to cloud trapeze her into the water without any water breathing equipment. But I wanted to keep her around as long as possible for dominion spread if nothing else.

November 17th, 2011, 07:21 PM
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Re: Nations - MA, CBM 1.6, max lvl 6 magic, NI, Assimilation mod - Running
I see everyone's turns are in so I guess we're playing on. Ok, just give me five minutes to complete my turn. 

November 17th, 2011, 09:27 PM
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Re: Nations - MA, CBM 1.6, max lvl 6 magic, NI, Assimilation mod - Running
Sorry, I did not see the replies to this thread.
I believe the game could go on for a long time, but I would concede to the powers of Man and Ulm. 

November 17th, 2011, 09:50 PM
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Re: Nations - MA, CBM 1.6, max lvl 6 magic, NI, Assimilation mod - Running
Ok, then we just need to hear from Louist. Is Ulm willing to share the throne with Man?

November 18th, 2011, 07:14 PM
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Re: Nations - MA, CBM 1.6, max lvl 6 magic, NI, Assimilation mod - Running
I just arrived in our enemies province Banded Hills.
Through the usual channels I managed to arrange a meeting with our local spy , a bard named Alfred. We are to meet at dawn in a lonesome haybarn. All is quiet and I enter the barn carefully. It only consists of one room, mostly filled with hay and straw. At the far end of the room sits a man on a chair, with his back to me. I say the password, loud enough for him to hear. But there is no answer. I repeat, but the man stays silent. Carefully, out of his reach, my hand on my swordhilt I circle him. As I can see his face, I now this man will never utter another word. It has to be Alfred the Bard, for his Lute lies at his feet. His face is beaten and bruised. Obviously he has been tortured. And I can make out a thin wire around his neck. They strangled him with a string of his own Lute.
And it happened not long ago.
I know what that means, but I feel no panic or even worry inside. Just plain cold anger. As cold as the blade of the frostbrand I now draw. I check my gear and get ready for battle. Now I can hear movement and hushed voices outside the barn. I turn around and slowly walk to the door. They will not have to wait for me. And so they will find out soon, that I am no nearly helpless bard, but a Lord Warden of Avalon. And they will learn what we are capable of.
It's an army of nearly eighty soldiers. Milesians and a flock of black hawks. Lead by two of those arrogant Sidhe Lords. The Milesians and us beat them and their Thuata masters once, and we will do so again, with or against the Milesians, it doesn't matter. I send a fast prayer to the Mistress, and then the hawks are upon me. Laughable, in a second all of them are bound to the ground by vines from my shield. Killing them is no more difficult than killing a duck for supper. Then the main host of spearmen and swordmen is on me. But they can't hurt me. the one or the other strike that comes through doesn't even scratch my marble armor. In return I give them plenty, and soon their ranks get thinned.
The Sidhe use their magic to send phantasms against me. Futile attempt. I can only imagine they are surprised to meet a warrior like me in that barn. Otherwise they would have used their magic wiser.
The first Milesians start to run, and not short after the whole army flees head over heels, the Sidhe giving their horses spores to even be ahead of their soldiers.
Its quiet. The only thing I hear is the rushing of my blood in my ears. All enemies are gone or dead. I am victorious.
After a deep breath I start to collect weapons and armor from my enemies. No soldiers shall carry those swords again. I bring everything into the barn and lay it all around Alfred, at his feet. Then I take a cape of one of the fallen and use it, to clean the bards face. His eyes have seen victory in the end. I close them, so they may rest forever. Then I put the string to the Lute again and bring the instrument into tune.
Two songs I play and sing. One of grief, sorrow and farewell. And one of bravery, victory and a bright future. Songs fitting for a heroes funeral. I lay his instruments into the bards lap and leave the barn without a second look, b setting the hay afire before I walk through the door.
Even if short lived, this shall be a monument to all our brave and heroic spies who died in service to the mistress. In the end we will be victorious.
I don't know what awaits me tomorrow, don't know my next orders, don't know the enemies next move. But I know this day was a glorious one for Avalon.
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November 19th, 2011, 04:00 AM
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Re: Nations - MA, CBM 1.6, max lvl 6 magic, NI, Assimilation mod - Running
Olm, thanks for another very nice post. Nice touch with the bard being strangled with his own lute string (and those unrest causing bastards do deserve it).
And on that note, we can call it a game! I've heard from Louist and he is happy to share the victory with Olm.
I think this game saw some good play all around and I'd welcome everyone's impressions of the game and the format. I'll write up a little AAR describing the misadventures of Pan. 

November 19th, 2011, 06:59 AM
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Re: Nations - MA, CBM 1.6, max lvl 6 magic, NI, Assimilation mod - Running
Originally Posted by Valerius
Olm, thanks for another very nice post. Nice touch with the bard being strangled with his own lute string
Thank you. The story came to my mind when my Bard was discovered and immediately afterwards my raiding thug in the same province. The Bard died without chance. But the thug did very well and killed most of the PD sending the rest running.
I think Lord Wardens work well in that role against human PD. my standard equipment is a marble armor (or stone boots) a brand a vine shield, a pendant of luck an boots of the messenger.
Originally Posted by Valerius
(and those unrest causing bastards do deserve it).
And on that note, we can call it a game! I've heard from Louist and he is happy to share the victory with Olm.
Great! Peace shall be again in this world, under the rule of Ulm and Man!
Originally Posted by Valerius
I think this game saw some good play all around and I'd welcome everyone's impressions of the game and the format. I'll write up a little AAR describing the misadventures of Pan. 
I am looking forward to it.
I will write some kind of AAR too, and especially some more questions. I learned very much in this game and am very grateful to you Valerius, for answering all my noob questions.
Could you do me a favor and just do one more turn where only your (preferably fully decked out) gorgon breaks siege. I would very much like to see how the tag team I somewhat specialized for her works. just in case I ever happen to meet a gorgon again.

November 19th, 2011, 10:29 AM
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Re: Nations - MA, CBM 1.6, max lvl 6 magic, NI, Assimilation mod - Running
Great story, even though it makes my guys seem evil.
Great game as well!
Look forward to reading some of the AARs.
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