Originally Posted by RetLT
Scenario #604 The *****e salient
Difficulty: Easy/medium
Size: Medium/large
Time: Medium/long
Playable from either side: Yes: Medium as player 2
Enjoyability: 4
Name keeps getting edited
A nannyistic program that treats a proper name as a "bad word" is a "annoying" ( not the word or phase I would normally use but that would be nannyised too

You need to improvise when it does that and use non-English accented letters--------in this case, it's the i that is the trigger so substitute "i" for...
Bïtche (
ï )
Bîtche (
î )
Bítche (
í )
They can be found online easily enough and most people ( and nanny code ) won't notice that odd accent
French and/or Spanish is good for that and this allows you to pick the letter you want and copy
Or this might be worth tucking away for future reference. I have tried using it and it works great
Hold down the ALT key then enter 140 on the keypad then release the ALT key and you get =
î...... do the same with 161 and get
`Here are ALT key codes for typing accents in a few languages. The three-digit key combinations for the
accents precede each accent. You get the same character also by typing the four-digit codes in parentheses after the
letters in the chart. If there is no three-digit code for a character, you will have to use the four-digit sequence for that
133 à (0224) 137 ë (0235) 151 ù (0249) 144 É (0201) 235 Ù (0217)
131 â (0226) 216 Ï (0207) 150 û (0251) 210 Ê (0202) 234 Û (0219)
135 ç (0231) 140 î (0238) 183 À (0192) 211 Ë (0203) 174 « (0171)
130 é (0233) 139 ï (0239) 182 Â (0194) 215 Î (0206) 175 » (0187)
138 è (0232) œ (0156) 128 Ç (0199) 226 Ô (0212)
136 ê (0234) 147 ô (0244) 212 È (0200) Œ (0140)
160 á (0224) 162 ó (0243) 144 É (0201) 233 Ú (0218)
130 é (0233) 163 ú (0250) 214 Í (0205) 154 Ü (0220)
161 í (0237) 129 ü (0252) 165 Ñ (0209) 168 ¿ (0191)
164 ñ (0241) 181 Á (0193) 224 Ó (0211) 173 ¡ (0161)
198 ã (0227) 199 Ã (0195) 135 ç (0231) 128 Ç (0199)
133 à (0224) 141 ì (0236) 151 ù (0249) 212 È (0200) 227 Ò (0210)
138 è (0232) 149 ò (0242) 183 À (0192) 222 Ì (0204) 235 Ù (0217)
132 ä (0228) 137 ë (0235) 231 þ (0254) 143 Å (0197) 153 Ö (0214)
134 å (0229) 148 ö (0246) 129 ü (0252) 146 Æ (0198) 157 Ø (0216)
145 æ (0230) 155 ø (0248) 152 ÿ (0255) 209 Ð (0208) 232 Þ (0222)
208 ð (0240) 225 ß (0223) 142 Ä (0196) 211 Ë (0203) 154 Ü (0220)
¶ (0182) º (0186) † (0134) ¬ (0172) ž (0158)