... I realized I've been stealing a lot of your ideas from your respective mods (P&N and Proportions) to use in my mod (Xeo).
(Hey, it's not like I'm trying to rip you guys off - it's just that I like your ideas so much that I want to copy them and add some of my own to make what I think must be the BEST mod ever because it incorporates what I think are the best ideas!
So what I'm asking is, do you guys actually mind if I "borrow" your ideas? Or would you rather that I stop?
(Ideas I've borrowed so far: QNP, enhanced pop modifiers for very low / very high populations, Heavy Bombardment Missile (renamed Pulson Missile - I like MOO2!
), Elite sensors / Fire Control Center (I called it a Fire Control Center), Improved & Advanced Ship Bomb and other intel ops. Ideas I'm ABOUT to steal
: BuckyTube Gel Plating (renamed Reinforced Bulkheads), BattleMoons (renamed Doom Stars - there's that MOO2 again! Looks like somebody needs a little Beboparebop rhubarb pie!
), Planetoid Core Mount (I had the audacity to not even rename this one - I can't think of a cooler sounding name for it!))