Just got back from work so I'm back to work on the mod editor.
Everyone: Thanks for the support
Liga: I will supply the code to anyone that e-mails me for it.
I will also supply the code for the mod selection utility if people want.
(And what was that married comment about?!?!)
Dogscoff: We can but hope
On a side note, some of the details you posted are to be included in my next project (once this one is finished)
The Space Empires 4 Screensaver.
OpenGL based. 3D models. *and* uses the SE4 data files (so you can design the same ships and watch them fight it out!)
I will have some of the groundwork done by writing the mod editor (the file handling etc) and the rest shouldn't take me too long (a few weeks maybe).
The Unofficial Space Empires 4 Mod Utility V1.6
Download as a .ZIP <
Download as a .RAR <
Download as a .ACE <
Check a Screenshot of it<
Check an Alpha Shot of my Mod Editor (Unreleased) <