Building Battalion Command Structure in WinSpMbt
corrects previous post
In order to insert a battalion command structure in winSpMBT scenarios, we must subordinate line companies to the company designated as the battalion. While it is not possible to do so in Editor, we can subordinate rifle companys to a Battalion HHC using ScenHack and the cross-attach function in the Editor. The steps are outlined as follows:
Please note the Bn HHC does not command a single line company. Now, to proceed:
1. Load the scenario in ScenHack
2. In Formations Editor, or goto Formations -> Formations
3. Find Bn HHC
4. Select first Rifle Company
a. Change Formation Level to Platoon
b. Repeat this step for remaining rifle companies in the battalion
c. Save changes in ScenHack
Proceed to Editor:
1. Load scenario
2. Goto Roster in Deploy screen
3. Select Rifle Company
4. Select Cross-attach Platoon
5. Select Bn HHC
6. Select Assign to this CHQ
a. Repeat steps 3-6 for remaining Rifle Companies
7. Select Bn HHC from Roster
a. Verify 3 Rifle Companies in Bn HHC command
8. Save scenario in Editor
9. Load saved scenario in ScenHack
10. Goto Formations Editor
11. Change each Rifle Company Formation Level to Company
12. Save scenario
Load scenario in Editor
13. Click on each Rifle Co HQ to verify platoons are subordinated
Now, you’re ready to go into battle!
Still evaluating this hack in my Red Line Syria 1/6 Marines battle with a Syrian Inf Bde of three battalions.
Not sure the Bn HHC has an impact on the line companies, but sure as heck looks good in the roster.