
September 25th, 2008, 01:37 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
Originally Posted by SlipperyJim
The main problem with Luck is that it doesn't scale. There are a fixed number of events that any nation can receive in one turn. As soon as you've conquered enough provinces that you hit that ceiling, Luck starts to lose its shine.
This is just a myth that keeps raising its head above water again and again, no matter how many times it's debunked, but it's simply not true.
What is true however is that you hit a point where you often get three events quite quickly, and after that you need a really big increase in provinces before you start seeing 4, 5 or more. (And I don't think I've ever heard anyone claim that they were getting 4+ events on a monthly basis, though I'm not completey sure about that. ) So I will agree that this is a spectacular case of diminishing returns.
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September 25th, 2008, 02:24 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
Originally Posted by Amhazair
What is true however is that you hit a point where you often get three events quite quickly, and after that you need a really big increase in provinces before you start seeing 4, 5 or more. (And I don't think I've ever heard anyone claim that they were getting 4+ events on a monthly basis, though I'm not completey sure about that. ) So I will agree that this is a spectacular case of diminishing returns.
So it's not a fixed ceiling, but there is a "soft cap" beyond which it's really hard to improve. Good to know! 

September 25th, 2008, 02:55 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
I am sure that 4 events is the max.

September 25th, 2008, 03:07 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
Also some nations get extraneous benefit from Death scale. Specifically, those nations with a +/-3 temp preference.
In a recent game as Caelum, I was attacked by Abysia, who of course had 3H, and also 3D. In most of his provinces, I was getting <20 supplies, and as you know, Caelum hasn't got the easiest access to Nature.....
Needless to say, in short order my entire army was diseased, and then dead, and I had to retreat.
The paradox is, if you are using 3D to cripple or scare off attackers - you also need to aggressively expand, AND have powrful enough dominion to push it outwards over all of your territory, including that which you are currently conquering. At the same time, it will bleed over into your neighbors' lands, and really piss them off. 

September 25th, 2008, 03:53 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
So that I understand...
If you take Luck 3 there is NO cap on the amount of events in a game that you get?
I thought there was a finite number you would get and then you where thru.
What I am hearing is that there is a finite number of events PER TURN with no ceiling on the number of game events.
Could someeone clear this up please? 

September 25th, 2008, 03:55 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
Originally Posted by JimMorrison
Also some nations get extraneous benefit from Death scale. Specifically, those nations with a +/-3 temp preference.
In a recent game as Caelum, I was attacked by Abysia, who of course had 3H, and also 3D. In most of his provinces, I was getting <20 supplies, and as you know, Caelum hasn't got the easiest access to Nature.....
Needless to say, in short order my entire army was diseased, and then dead, and I had to retreat.
The paradox is, if you are using 3D to cripple or scare off attackers - you also need to aggressively expand, AND have powrful enough dominion to push it outwards over all of your territory, including that which you are currently conquering. At the same time, it will bleed over into your neighbors' lands, and really piss them off. 
I don't think I like this idea. I prefer orderly expansion with powerful dominion and lots of temples to push infidel faiths. 3 Death nations piss me off to no end, as my army mostly dies from lack of food, but they also fail to expand as my PD keeps their starving swarms from invading.
I have a grievance as well. The AI is too foul, and hoards over 400 units in a desert to swarm me in Mighty mode, ending up in a diseased,starving legion that breaks in and spills in my territories, only to be painfully rounded up and cleaned. I get hurt greatly, but AI fails likewise, and I hate lose-lose scenarios, leaves a very bitter taste in mouth.

September 25th, 2008, 04:44 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
Ive played with Turmoil and Luck. It can be a fun game. Mostly I think it appeals more to tacticians who like to roll with the punches and make best use of random events than it does with the strategists who like to have things planned out 10, 20, 100 turns in advance.
Low order, and even low production, can be used effectively by some nations that have the right units. Pangaea being one of my favorites for this. Getting supplies boost from their god and mages can be helpful also.
Another fun thing to try is taking turmoil and unluck. I had a really rough time against one of those recently. He had a +luck god and +luck units to combat it deep in his territory but pushed the dominion ahead of him strongly with stealth armies and stealth preachers. Many of my plans were foiled when I would take one of his outer provinces and then immeadiately start getting hit by random events and attacks from independents. I ended up having to shift gears and fight him with a dominion push as if he was Ermor. Its not a strategy that would work often but it sure made an interesting surprise in that game. If he had been allied better with someone who could make good use of me having to shift to priests then I probably would have lost.
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September 25th, 2008, 05:05 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
As I understand, the rough consensus is that there is no firm cap on the number of events due to luck, but that practically speaking you will get fairly rapidly to 3/turn and then as you expand get an occasional fourth or even more events.
So it does appear to scale up, but not linearly as the results of the other scales do.

September 25th, 2008, 05:12 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
Death scales work great when paired with extreme temp scales. So,death for Abyssia is fine. It highly discourages attack and if you do get attacked they better have a plan to survive the heat 3, death 3. Death hurts the old age mages but that is why you take magic3 and research with your young, sacred (cheap up keep) mages. After you hit construction 6 you can makes boots of youth to prevent the aging. You really don't need gobs of the older mages unless you get into an early war and need some marching with your armies. Later in the game its all about gem income so don't worry about that death and blood hunting. So you may have to move to a different province sooner than if you had death.

September 25th, 2008, 05:38 PM
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Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?
Originally Posted by Edratman
I am sure that 4 events is the max.
Nop, there definitely have been screenshots posted of 5, and I'm almost positive also of 6 random events in one turn. (With assurances from the poster that none of those provinces were newly conquered, and none were of an event type that could also be caused by remote spellcasting, two things that can confound the issue )
I also seem to remember getting 5 events on several occasions myself, but with the mysts of time and all that things do tend to get a bit foggy on occasion, so I won't swear to it.
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