Just for the heck of it, I am considering playing a nation with Turmoil 3 and Luck 3 for a chaotic and fun game.
I was wondering if there was any synergy with some nations. So basicly, what nation has really cool or many heroes. And/or which nation does not require much gold?
I am playing Dominions in single player only, so no need to point out any multi-player disadvantages

On top of that I may also take some sloth and high growth, but if the nation(s) suggested do require production scales, I am fine with that as well.
Just for the record, I was inspired to this idea by my last game playing Eriu when I got Cu Chulainn (a fire shielded (+awe?) trampling guy in a chariot) on turn 1 or 2. That guy was absolutely insane, basicly carrying my whole early game while my lazy pretender was still fast asleep
